Welcome to decoy’s New blog space for everything decoy!

This blog is dedicated to everything decoy from Des Moines, Iowa! This is a place for fans to connect with the members of decoy, and find news, pics, videos, upcoming gigs and words from the band themselves. Here is a little bit about decoy.

If there is ever such a thing as a musical detour, the members of decoy all decided to leave their existing paths.  Once traveling in opposite directions, each member inevitably found one another on the same track heading the same way.

Vocalist and guitar player Chris Ranallo had been performing primarily as a solo artist with dreams of finding the perfect rhythm section, but had difficulty finding musicians who shared his same passion for song writing and collaborating.  “It was like having half of a picture painted in my head but not having all the colors I needed to finish it and get in on paper,” says Ranallo in regards to songwriting.

Guitarist Micah Wagner and singer/songwriter Brian Herrin had those same frustrations.  They had been performing their music as a two-man acoustic duo around the midwest for nearly a year.  Both had previously been in bands and were searching for the right musicians to build this new project…when they finally crossed paths with Chris.

Chris showed up to one of the two-man gigs, sat in for a few songs and everything just gelled.   “People at the show thought we’d been rehearsing together for months and had no idea it was just an impromptu jam between the three of us,” describes Herrin.

Not long after, the three went on to form the group decoy and began writing songs together.  During this process, the band auditioned members and added Jon Rosmann on percussion and Fix Brown on bass.  The band has never looked back and just completed their new album, “nothing to lose” and plans on a national release in late December.

The band would like to thank you for stopping by, and hope to see you at an upcoming show! Please feel free to post your photos and comments from any show you may attend!

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